Parent Corner

Welcome Parents, 

My name is Mrs. Sayers & I am your Parent Coordinator. Please feel free to reach out to me at

Please click on READ MORE in each section to get complete details about upcoming events happening at P.S. 160, or events being offered in our Community or other areas of the Bronx.                 



Upcoming Events at P.S. 160


CEC 11 Upcoming Events & Other Resources






 CEC12 Resource Packet April 28 2022.docx 

Affordable Connectivity Program 

Home - ACP - Universal Service Administrative Company (

Together for Justice

Our schools are committed to being safe, welcoming, culturally responsive communities that support the social-emotional health of our students. Bigotry, bias, and bullying have no place. This means we must address violence and racism in our society, and help create discussion and dialogue about how it has impacted people in the past and continues to do so in the present. The following link  to the NYC DOE webpage offers resources for families to have those discussions, as assembled by experts at DOE. It also provides connections to mental health support—since these are difficult issues for all of us to experience and grapple with.   social justice


We’re delighted to announce the launch of Parent University, a collaboration between the Office of Family and Community Empowerment (FACE) and the Division of Instructional and Information Technology (DIIT)!

Parent University seeks to educate and empower all families from early childhood through adulthood, with free courses, resources, events, and activities. Parents can register for free trainings on a wide range of topics, including adult education, student social-emotional learning, and special education.

Visit Parent University today at!



Helpful Parent Guide to Google Classrooms 



District 11 Events

Engage, Educate & Empower Family Night.

Please join us at D11's weekly virtual Wednesday Engage, Educate & Empower Family Night. Interpretation in Spanish, Arabic & Bangla will be available. 
Families please sign the attendance sheet so that our school receives credit for your attendance.
You can also join the meeting by clicking on this link:
Meeting ID: 961 8586 7210
Passcode: 111111 




Community Events